Making sustainable frontrunners the norm.

Making sustainable frontrunners the norm.




Our vision is to make the world more sustainable through lobbying. We do that by re-thinking the role of lobbying. Instead of lobbying against legislation, we lobby for more ambitious environmental legislation. Akin to impact investing, you can call it impact lobbying.



We exclusively work for clients on cases where they already outperform environmental norms. We then help make their performance the norm for the rest of the market. That way we make the environment better – while fostering policy-driven growth for our clients.



For this, we abide by three values, without which sustainability can never exist: Positivity, Integrity and Autonomy.

Why choose us



#SustainablePublicAffairs’ is recognized as one of the best PA consultancies in Brussels. It has been awarded the best sustainability-focused public affairs consultancy in the world by Corporate Vision in the Global Business Awards 2023. Also, it is the first EU affairs agency to have its positive impact on environment and society certified by B Corp.

We lobby for climate positive impacts and we also operate climate positively.

To maximize resource efficiency and ensure data minimalization, #SustainablePublicAffairs only works in black and white and does not use pictures. Our website is hosted by Infomaniak Green Hosting.

Aiming for policy-driven growth? Get in touch!

#SustainablePublicAffairs (B Corp)
P/A: #SustainableHub - Rue du commerce 72 | Brussels
+32 (0)4 70 12 16 48