Sustainability should be the rule, not the exception.
2 months ago —
2 months ago —
We would like to introduce one of our newest team members, Marie Gissat.
Marie is originally from France and studied Public Law in Lyon. She then decided to specialise in EU law, by studying in Sweden.
While in the Nordic country, famous for its great work in sustainability, she started to become passionate about the circular economy and recycling.
With a quick detour at Science Po, to get her master’s in European affairs and Environmental Law, she soon found herself in Brussels.
There, she worked for a French region on environmental topics – such as energy efficiency, heating and cooling practices – and increased her knowledge of these important fields.
After that, she launched herself into the political realm, working for a French MEP in the ITRE committee, where she was able to further hone her knowledge on Energy and Environment topics.
“I worked on things like Green Hydrogen, the Circular economy Action Plan, and even the EU Space Policy,” she says.
What are your aims at #SustainablePublicAffairs?
“I would like to gain more expertise on some specific files – especially important things like the circular economy, energy efficiency and other topics,” she says.
Marie adds “However, I have to say that it is just great to be working on things that I’m passionate about on a more personal level”.
For the long-run, Marie adds that she is eager to work on the shift in mentality in terms of sustainability. “In the context of working for #Sustainble, it would be great to shape an EU regulatory framework for our clients, the sustainable frontrunners”.
On a personal level, she thinks it would be “a great achievement to become more confident in my work and engage with people in these fields”.
What is the biggest opportunity to improve sustainability?
“By setting new standards, we can support both businesses and growth”, Marie insists.
“In fact, sustainable frontrunners should be supported most of all”.
She says that it is regrettable to think that the norm in the past has not been sustainable behaviour. Companies shouldn’t be rewarded for lagging behind or stifling progress.
#SustainablePublicAffairs (B Corp)
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