Why Choose Us.

Why Choose Us.



Today’s talent is motivated by more than profit, they work for a purpose. 
We have a clear purpose that enables us to attract the brightest hearts and minds. 

We share a passion for sustainability which motivates us to go further, even if it is off the beaten track.

…and that is being recognized:
#SustainablePublicAffairs is awarded the best sustainability-focused public affairs consultancy in the world by Corporate Vision in the Global Business Awards 2023 and it is recognized as one of the best PA consultancies in Brussels.



We work across all sectors and policies but are always and only focused on sustainability. This helps us to propose creative and constructive solutions.

It helps us to know the scene and be well-connected to influencers and decision-makers. Our focus and reputation make us credible conveyors of your message.

It also makes us recognizable for stakeholders, as we are consistent in our demands. That makes that we have very good connections with and access to policy makers

Brand value

Brand value

We aim to be “the Patagonia of Public Affairs”: the brand you can trust in the PA world. A purposeful brand you can wear on your sleeve as working with us says something about your case, your company, your ways of working and it shows that your public position and private approach are consistent.

Is it a seal of approval? We think it is! It also helps you to explain your expenses on government affairs and is an addition to your sustainability report.

We lobby for climate positive impacts and we also operate climate positively.

To maximize resource efficiency and ensure data minimalization, #SustainablePublicAffairs only works in black and white and does not use pictures. Our website is hosted by Infomaniak Green Hosting.

Aiming for policy-driven growth? Get in touch!

#SustainablePublicAffairs (B Corp)
P/A: #SustainableHub - Rue du commerce 72 | Brussels
+32 (0)4 70 12 16 48